September 2022 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Thu 29th September 2022 19:30
Present: Cllr T Gundry (Chairman), Cllr S Kapil, Cllr G Kettle-Gundry, Cllr Lawrence
Cllr S Bunney (LCC)
Officer: Andy Hopkins (Clerk)
There were no members of the public present.
- To receive apologies for absence
There were no apologies.
- To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were none.
- To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 14 July 2022
These were resolved as a true and correct record.
- To receive reports and feedback from the County and District Council
Cllr Bunney updated on LCC matters:
LCC spent just over £1.1 billion on public services in the year this includes the schools. This figure represents £1443 for every person in Lincolnshire. Education and schools represents the largest figure of this expenditure at approx. 50%
During the year there was a budget underspend of approximately £31m. £17m of this sum was money earmarked for Schools and has been retained by the Education Sector for future expenditure.
Highways - the current budget is for approximately £82m – this is to cover repairs and minor road improvements. Major capital schemes – like the Southern Bypass - are funded by direct Government Grants. It is anticipated that Inflation will mean this figure will have a buying power of around £19.3m less than last year. The situation therefore remains tight. LCC is lobbying Government for more money but then are so most if not all the rural councils.
The number of outstanding pot hole jobs is down but still significantly high at around 3000 sites requiring work at any one time.
LCC is actively pursuing the Greater Lincolnshire Project – where by Lincolnshire CC, North Lincolnshire and NE Lincolnshire work as one unit under an elected Mayor/Governor.
WLDC continues to investigate the effectiveness of policing in the area. In recent weeks a number of ideas have been looked. From October there is a fresh number of PSCOs starting their training.
WLDC is conscious of fly tipping in the area and is doing what it can to clear the rubbish and also prevent it from happening.
- Police Matters
There was a new website where policing reports could be found, there would be no direct reports from the Police. It was noted that the information on the website was over 2 months old. The Clerk would send the link to the website.
- Finance
The Bank had confirmed that Cllr Lawrence had been added to the mandate.
It was resolved to make the following payments and accept the bank reconciliation:
The Clerk reported that the defibrillator cheque had been returned and another source was being explored.
- Play Area
There had been little community feedback about new play equipment. It was raised that any new equipment would increase safety inspections.
The Clerk was asked to get the price of a picnic table for the area, another option would be to leave the area as it was.
It was agreed to discuss at the next meeting.
Cllr Milton raised the red road barriers that were stored by the wall in the playground and the Clerk was asked to investigate.
8. Vehicle Speeding in Village
The idea of having speed signs in the Village was discussed, and the Clerk was asked to get quotes for the ones situated in nearby villages.
Cllr Bunney suggested contacting Road Safety to get their advice.
9. Village Planting
Cllr Kapil reported that he had spoken with someone who could build the planters for the 4 Village approaches and would come back with a costing.
10. Broadband Update
Cllr S Kapil had attended the West Lindsey Broadband Meeting and there were still issues in a number of Villages.
Quickline in Snitterby looked as though it would go live mid October.
11. Planning
There were no new applications.
12. Highways
Cllr Gundry updated on the meeting he had had with Highways and since then the signs at the junction of the A15 had been replaced.
The potholes were returning on the corner of School Lane to Moor Road.
13. Clerk and Councillors updates
Cllr were concerned about the digestate smell that had been prevalent during the summer. The Clerk was asked who to contact WLDC about health impacts, the anti-social aspects and how to report if it happened again.
Confidential Item:
14. Pit Land
Cllr Kapil would take up the matters discussed with a view to moving the project forward.
Date of Next Meeting 17/11/22