March 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Village Hall on Thu 10th March 2022 19:30


Present: Cllr T Kettle-Gundry (Chairman), Cllr S Kapil, Cllr G Kettle-Gundry,

Cllr R Lawrence & Cllr B Milton

Cllr S Bunney (LCC)


Officer:   Andy Hopkins (Clerk)


There were no members of the public present.


1. To receive apologies for absence


There were none.


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


            There were none.


3. To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 20th January 2022


            These were approved as a true and correct record.


Cllr Bunney was asked to check on the sign opposite the junction with the A15, work had been done to correct the accident damage, but the missing “Snitterby” sign had still not been addressed.


Cllr Bunney would also follow up with WLDC about the Councillor Initiative Fund application, for planting at the Village entrances that Cllr Summers was supporting, as nothing had been heard.



4. To receive reports and feedback from the County and District Council


  Cllr Bunney updated that LCC budget had been set and there would be a rise in Council Tax of 4.9% (with 3% being Adult Social Care). There were continuing funding problems and LCC did not want to use reserves. There was a 5K grant available for properties prone to flooding to improve resilience measures. Work was underway with the Internal Drainage Board over Riparian Rights.


Cllr Bunney also updated that WLDC had sent out leaflets about the changes to the waste collections following the planned introducing of the purple lidded bins. Crews were currently checking contents of bins for compliance and a warning would be given if incorrect items were discovered. It was expected that help for vulnerable people would be available to help with waste collections.



5. Police Matters


The Clerk had received a report from PCSO Angie Law. Two incidents of criminal damage had been notified, a window smashed at the Church and damage to the Church wall. An offender had been identified for the latter.


6. Finance


            The following payments were resolved for payment:




Snitterby Payments










CHQ 1030


Clerk & Council Direct Jubilee Mugs (36)


CHQ 1031


Clerk Salary Feb & Mar


CHQ 1032




CHQ 1033


Cllr Milton Green Bin Cemetery


CHQ 0016 OS


Cllr Milton Green Bin Open Space


CHQ 1034


LALC Annual Subscription 22/23


CHQ 1035


Snitterby Village Hall Committee








It was agreed that Cllr R Lawrence be added as a signatory on the Bank Mandate as             there were only two at the present time.


7. Model Code of Conduct


A revised Code of Conduct had been sent round from WLDC, this was based on the national code developed by the Local Government Association.


It was resolved to adopt the new Code of Conduct and Councillors duly signed an acceptance form, and these will be sent to WLDC as confirmation.


8. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee


A notice had been put on Facebook and the noticeboard to see if anyone was interested in arranging an event for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, but no one had come forward.


The Clerk was asked to contact the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee to see if they were planning any activities that the Council could assist with.


9. Village Planting


A few people had come forward to get involved in planting at the four village approaches.


Funding for this was still an issue as nothing had been heard from the grant application to WLDC.


It was agreed that a working party of those interested be arranged, so that discussions on how to proceed could be held.


10. Broadband Update


The works in the Village had been completed and Quickline had indicated that this had now been passed to the sales team to progress.


There had been a report of a blockage in an Openreach pipe, but it had been stated that an April go-live was still possible.


Quickline had also agreed to pay for the Hall Hire for the Community Event in December.


11. Planning


There were none.


12. Highways


The poor repair quality of the potholes was raised with Cllr Bunney as they keep having to be filled in again and again.


It was agreed that the Clerk would chase up LCC about moving the National Speed Limit sign on Bishop Norton Road.


13. Clerk and Councillors updates


The Clerk updated that Paul Wilson will continue to cut the Cemetery and Open Space for the same price for the coming year.


The Flytippting at the passing place on Cliff Road would be reinforced using the online system.


Cllr Kapil reported that the lid on the dog bin at Moor Road needed repair, this would be reported to WLDC.


Cllr Milton asked if new dog fouling stickers could be sourced from WLDC.


It was resolved that the following item was confidential, and the public were excluded.


14. Pit Land


The Council discussed the Pit Land and agreed actions to be progressed.


Annual Parish & Annual Council Meetings 12th May 2022.