May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Snitterby Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Thu 26th May 2022 19:30
Present: Cllr T Kettle-Gundry (Chairman), Cllr S Kapil, Cllr G Kettle-Gundry,
Cllr R Lawrence
Cllr S Bunney (LCC)
Officer: Andy Hopkins (Clerk)
There were no members of the public present.
- To Elect the Chairman of the Parish Council
It was resolved that Cllr T Kettle-Gundry, as proposed Cllr Kapil and seconded by Cllr Lawrence, be elected as Chairman. The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed.
- To Elect the Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council
Cllr Kapil was elected was elected as Vice Chairman.
- To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Milton
- To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were none.
- To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 10 March 2022
These were resolved as a true and correct record.
- To receive reports and feedback from the County and District Council
Cllr Bunney informed the Council that the Highways matters that were of concern, the Snitterby sign on the A15 and moving of the 30mph speed sign near the bus stop, were in hand.
The condition of Atterby Lane (Sand Lane) had been reported and a Highways Inspector would be coming to look.
The views of the County’s residents were being sought as part of a consultation called Let’s Talk Lincolnshire, and details were handed out.
The importance of having an Emergency Plan had been raised by the Local Resilience Forum, Cllr Bunney was asked to send example plans through to the Clerk.
£2.5M of Levelling-Up funding had been received by WLDC.
Less contamination in the waste bins was being reported following the introduction of the new bin arrangements.
- Police Matters
No report had been received from Lincolnshire Police. There had been some new incidents of graffiti around the Village, and this had been reported to PCSO Angie Law.
8. Finance
The Clerk had prepared the following year end documents, Payments Report 2020/21, Bank Reconciliation 2020/21, Variance Report 2020/21 and the Internal Auditors Report 2020/21. These were all accepted by the Council.
It was resolved to accept the Certificate of Exemption 2020/21, Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 and the Accounting Statement 2020/21 as presented by the Clerk. These were signed by the Chairman and the Clerk would arrange for the Exercise of Public Rights to be published.
The Insurance Renewal Quotation had been received from Zurich and it was agreed to accept.
Natwest had been asked to add Cllr Lawrence to the Bank Mandate. Cllr Kapil had received the details and had completed his part. It was unknown if Cllr Milton had authorised the request as the second signatory.
The following were resolved payment this period:
9. Play Area
The Council discussed the possibility of new play equipment, following the recent letter from a young resident. This could potentially be a new see-saw or roundabout, but it was thought that the Council would not have enough budget to proceed. The Clerk was asked to get some outline prices, and consider where funding could come from, and bring back to the next meeting.
10. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Councillors T Kettle-Gundry, G Kettle-Gundry and R Lawrence would be at the Village Hall to hand out the Jubilee mugs at the Coffee Moring arranged by the Village Hall Committee on Sat 4th June 2022.
11. Village Planting
Various ideas for planting up the Village were discussed. It was decided to explore 4 wooden planters at the entrances to the Village. Cllr Kapil would explore with a local carpenter with a budget in the region of £200.
12. Broadband Update
Quickline had completed the work in the Village but blockages in the Openreach network, that ran to Kirton, were preventing the connection. The Clerk had requested an update, as nothing had been heard for some time, and Cllr Kapil would raise at the next Broadband Meeting.
13. Planning
There were no matters to discuss.
14. Highways
These matters had already been discussed.
15. Clerk and Councillors updates
The issue of frequent business posting on the Facebook page was discussed and Cllr Kapil was asked to explain that the site was for the Community and that constant posting of business material was not acceptable.
Confidential Item:
16. Pit Land
Cllr Lawrence indicated that there was nothing to update at this time.
Date of Next Meeting 14/7/22