January 2022 Minutes
Snitterby Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Thu 11th November 2021at 19:30
Present: Cllr T Kettle-Gundry (Chairman), Cllr S Kapil, Cllr G Kettle-Gundry,
& Cllr B Milton
Cllr S Bunney (LCC) and Cllr J Summers (WLDC)
Officer: Andy Hopkins (Clerk)
There were no members of the public present.
The agenda was shortened to facilitate a quick meeting due to the Omicron Covid outbreak.
1. To receive apologies for absence
Cllr R Lawrence
2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were none
3. To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 11th November 2021
These were approved as a true and correct record
4. Finance
The following payments were approved for payment:
Expenditure |
Cheque |
Reference |
Description |
Net |
Total |
CHQ 1027 |
1206421324 |
WLDC new litter bin |
105.00 |
21.00 |
126.00 |
Clerk Salary Dec & Jan |
299.16 |
CHQ 1028 |
Less Tax 20% |
-59.83 |
239.33 |
CHQ 1029 |
Tax |
59.83 |
59.83 |
The bank reconciliation to the end of November 2021 was approved.
The Clerk presented a budget for 2022/2023. A suggestion was made that the precept be reduced due to an underspend. Forthcoming projects such as planting at the Village entrances and the Queens Jubilee would require some investment and so the proposed budget was resolved.
Budget 2022/23 |
Income |
Precept |
3059 |
Cemetery |
100 |
Grant |
0 |
Pit Rent |
90 |
LCC Grant |
90 |
150 |
Total Income |
3489 |
Expenditure |
Clerk Salary |
1795 |
Training |
100 |
Mileage |
30 |
Office Expenses |
30 |
85 |
Insurance |
300 |
Internal Audit |
50 |
Hall Hire |
80 |
Grass Cutting |
500 |
Grants |
200 |
Cemetery |
300 |
Bin |
39 |
Expenditure Total |
3509 |
A precept of £3059 was resolved. According to information provided by WLDC this would result in a 0% increase for residents. The Clerk would now inform WLDC.
The Clerk presented a couple of options for the purchase of commemorative mugs for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It was resolved to purchase 36 porcelain mugs from Clerk & Council Direct at an approximate cost of £240 + postage.
As the County and District Councillors were in attendance the Chairman allowed them to update the Council.
Cllr Bunney updated the Council that LCC were undertaking a project to determine who was responsible for clearing waterways.
Joe Phillips was looking to sort the signs at the junction with the A15, including the “Snitterby” sign.
There was around £12m shortfall from central Government, this gap would be filled from reserves and Covid support. A consultation was looking into whether people were prepared to pay the proposed increased levy needed for Adult Social Care.
A new initiative was raised “Fix our Funds to Fix our Roads” to try and sort road issues.
Cllr Summers updated that the new Lea Fields Cemetery was operating at a surplus and had received £10k from recycling metals that had been donated to St Andrew’s Childcare Hospice.
The new waste depot at Caenby Corner was up and running.
There was £20m new development on some derelict land near the river Trent, this included Government funding. There was also £10m from the Levelling-up Fund. The investment portfolio was providing better returns that bank investments, this was helping to off-set Council Tax increases.
Cllr Summers was asked to find out about the grant application for planting at the entrances to the Village as nothing had been heard back from WLDC.
A new purple lidded waste bin will be delivered soon, for dry recyclables such as card and paper.
5. Broadband Update
Quickline’s contractors had started the work in the Village. The current thinking was that a go live date would be March 2022.
Following the successful event at the Village Hall in December, it was thought that 45 people had signed up to the vouchers. The Clerk was asked to check if Quickline were paying for the Village Hall Hire.
6. Planning Application
PROPOSAL: Planning application to erect single storey garage and amend access
LOCATION: The Cottage Moor Road Snitterby Gainsborough DN21 4TY
It was resolved that there was no objection to this.
7. Urgent Matters
Due to the short agenda the following matters were raised as they required urgent attention.
A quote for the Village Grass Cutting had been received and it was resolved to accept the quote and keep with the current contractor.
Cllr Milton had received the green bin renewal request from WLDC and it was agreed that Cllr Milton would pay and be reimbursed at the next meeting.
Bank signatories needed reviewing at the next meeting.
Next meeting 10th March 2022.