November 2021 Minutes

Snitterby Parish Council



Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Village Hall on Thu 11th November 2021


Present: Cllr S Kapil (Deputy Chairman) Cllr G Kettle-Gundry,

                Cllr R Lawrence & Cllr B Milton


Officer:   Andy Hopkins (Clerk)


There were no members of the public present.


Cllr Kapil Chaired the meeting in the absence of Cllr T Gundry.


1. To receive apologies for absence


Cllr T Gundry, Cllr S Bunney (LCC)


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


There were none


3. Councillor Vacancies


Rebecca Lawrence had expressed an interest in a Councillor vacancy and the Council resolved unanimously to accept.


The Declaration of Acceptance was duly signed by Rebecca and the Clerk, a Register of Interests form would need to be completed within the next 4 weeks and sent to WLDC.


This was followed by a welcome, introductions and an outline of the work of the Council.


4. To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 9th September 2021


These were resolved as a true and correct record.


5. To receive reports and feedback from the County and District Council


Cllr Bunney had provided an email update for the meeting.


LCC budget – they had gained financially but levels remained at a shortfall from previous levels.


Parish Councils would be expected to adopt a new Members Code of Conduct soon.


The charge from WLDC for the Green Waste bin would rise from £35 to £39 next year. It had also been agreed to adopt a new grey bin with a purple lid, for dry paper and cardboard.


6. Police Matters


There was nothing to report.


7. Finance


The Following were resolved for payment:



The Bank Reconciliation to the end of September 2021 was noted.


The Clerk had produced a year-end estimate for Council, and this was noted.


The Council considered the Draft Budget 2022/23 that the Clerk had tabled. It was agreed that the precept should remain at the current level and the Clerk would inform WLDC of the estimate.


The final Budget and Precept would be decided at the January Parish Council Meeting.


8. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee


The Council considered activities for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022. Previous events had been organised by other groups not the Parish Council.


It was agreed that the Clerk would advertise on Facebook for volunteers to come forward and develop an event. The fall-back position would be a small evet in the Village Hall.


The Clerk was asked to investigate the price of souvenirs to be given to the under 18s in the Village, this had been done at previous events.


9. Cemetery Matters


Cllr Milton and the Clerk had visited the Cemetery and it had been estimated that there were approximately 20 plots remaining.


10. Broadband Update


Quickline were now in the process of making final arrangement for installation of the full-fibre broadband in the Village.


A residents meeting would be held in the Village Hall and a mailshot would take place, the Clerk would also advertise on Facebook.


Further details of products and likely timescales for installation would then be known.


11. Planning


There was nothing to discuss.


12. Highways


The Clerk had reported potholes down School Lane, the blocked drains outside the Royal Oak and the condition of the road sign outside number 1 School Lane.


The sign at the A15 junction had been hit again and this would also be reported.


13. Village Planting Scheme


Cllr Gundry had raised the idea of some community planting schemes at the Annual Parish Meeting. The idea would be to plant at the 4 entrances to the Village and improve the environment for residents and those passing through.


A resident had also expressed an interest in helping. The Clerk was asked to send a message out on Facebook to see what interest there was, as this would need to be done by volunteers, and bring back to a future meeting.


14. Clerk and Councillors updates


The new litter bin had been installed outside the Church and the invoice was awaited.


It was resolved that the following items were confidential.


15. Pit Land


Following a discussion Cllr Kapil would make some enquiries.


16. Cemetery Headstone


Following a discussion, it was resolved to amend the Cemetery Regulations for headstone dimensions. Width would now be allowed up to 36” and height up to 42”.