January 2021 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held via Zoom on Thurs 21st January 2021.
Present: Cllr Tom Gundry (Chair), Cllr Sunil Kapil & Cllr Brian Milton
Officer: Andy Hopkins (Clerk)
There were no members of the public present.
Public Session
1. To receive apologies for absence
Cllr G Kettle-Gundry.
Cllr H Thorton had not sent apologies. It was decided that the Clerk get in touch, explain the 6 month attendance rule about being a Councillor and find out what her intentions are.
2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were none.
3. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 12th November 2020
These were approved as a true and correct record.
4. Police Matters
Angie Law had informed the Council of some internet scams and burglaries in Hemswell.
The “Nextdoor” App was going to be used for Police reporting in the future.
The main issue for the village had been the shocking racist graffiti that had appeared over one night, in various locations. This had been seen by the Police and the Clerk was asked to contact Angie for any feedback.
There had also been some tyre slashing.
Several residents were involved in the clean up and this help was recognized by the Council.
Re-staining the bus shelter would be looked at when the weather got better, but it might not need treating.
5. To receive reports and feedback from the County and District Council
There were no updates.
The Clerk had asked Jeff Summers for any updates if he was not attending. The Clerk will ask Democratic Services for the contact of who is now covering for the late Lewis Strange.
6. Broadband update
There had been no updates from Stephen Brookes other than forwarding the Clerk details of the Gigabit scheme.
Cllr Kapil had attended a West Lindsey Broadband Group, this had included Hayley from Quickline and another officer from WLDC, Carl Knight, who had offered to help.
Quickline’s website wasn’t up and running and the Clerk was asked to chase this up, as well as asking about flyers and potential Village meeting.
The deadline for the Gigabit Voucher Scheme was 31st March and the Clerk was asked to pursue this, with the help of Carl Knight, so that 2 options for improving the broadband speed for residents and businesses was being looked at.
7. Clerk and Councillors to report back on previous action points
Payment had been received for the Pit Rent £90 and this was confirmed for next year as well.
LCC have confirmed grass cutting for next year.
The Clerk had created a Facebook page “Snitterby Community Page”, it was agreed that Cllr Kapil and the Clerk be the administrators. This page was for the residents of the Parish to keep in touch with anything that the rest might find useful, as well as the Council sharing information.
The Website has moved to the new version and some free help had be sought to help create it.
There was no reply about the adoption of Dove Close and the Clerk will chase.
There was a burial due in the Cemetery, 5th Feb and a new reserved plot.
8. Grass cutting quotation
Green Grass Contracting had quoted £68.40 (inc VAT) per cut for Bridle/Amenity and LCC additions.
It was greed to give the contract to Green Grass for the coming year and perhaps seek another quote for comparison next year.
The Clerk will also ask Paul Wilson if he is able to cut the cemetery at the same rate as last year.
9. Finance
The following payments were approved:
Clerk (Dec – Jan) 9 weeks = £211.68
3 hours @ £9.80 = £264.60 (less 20% tax)
HMRC PAYE (20%) = £52.92
Total =£264.60
The Clerk will draft a letter to the bank asking them to send correspondence/statements to his home address and this will need to be signed by two signatories.
Cllr Milton raised the charges for the 2 green bins in the Village. He was asked to arrange on behalf of the Council and will be reimbursed at the next meeting.
10. Planning
There were no new applications to consider.
An amendment had been made to 14819 (Planning application to erect 3no. single storey dwellings and 1no. two-storey dwelling including detached garage), but it had been discussed that this did not require a meeting to discuss and no further comment was made.
11. Highways
Highways had indicated that the sign opposite the junction on the A15 will not be replaced. They believe it is not needed as there are signs on the approach to the junctions.
The Clerk was asked to get back in touch and stress that the sign was not new and that emergencies services had missed the junction in the past and that this could potentially endanger lives.
12. To discuss items raised after the agenda is published (if any) or any other updates considered relevant
There was nothing.