September 2021 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Thu 9th Sept 2021
Present: Cllr T Gundry (Chair), Cllr G Kettle-Gundry, Cllr S Kapil & Cllr B Milton
Cllr S Bunney (LCC)
Officer: Andy Hopkins (Clerk)
There were no members of the public present.
Public Session
1. To receive apologies for absence
Cllr J Summers
2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were none
3. To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 15 July 2021
These were approved as a true and correct record.
4. To receive reports and feedback from the County and District Council
Cllr Bunney updated the Council with the following items:
- Busy chasing up road issues, with the back roads being in a poor state. These were not a priority but should be made safe
- Looking into Broadband issues of the small villages
- LCC will consider SPC request to move the speed signs by the bus stop
5. Police Matters
PCSO Angie Law had emailed an update from March to September 2021
It noted the graffiti on the bus shelter and road sign. There were also a number of calls to 101 about suspicious vehicles/incidents in the area, which had been followed up.
6. Finance
The Following were resolved for payment:
Expenditure |
Cheque |
Reference |
Description |
Net |
Total |
30/6/21 2614 |
Greengrass Mowing |
114.00 |
22.80 |
31/8/21 2645 |
Greengrass Mowing |
114.00 |
22.80 |
CHQ 1020 |
273.6 |
Clerk Salary Aug & Sep 3 hrs x 9 weeks |
299.16 |
CHQ 1021 |
-59.83 |
239.33 |
CHQ 1022 |
59.83 |
59.83 |
Total |
527.16 |
45.60 |
572.76 |
Income |
Cemetery |
Sale 3x plots |
750.00 |
Total |
750.00 |
7. Councillor Vacancies
Following advertisement of the vacancies a resident had expressed an interest. The Clerk had forwarded further details and awaited a reponse.
8. Litter Bin
WLDC had provided quotes for a new litter bin at the front of the Church (this could also be used for dog waste).
It was agreed to purchase a bin, post and materials for £105 plus VAT, and the Clerk will confirm with WLDC.
9. Broadband Update
Frustration over improving broadband for the village continued, there had been little support from officer at LCC/WLDC in resolving the situation.
Cllr Bunney would be speaking to Ian Knowles.
The Council thought that LCC and WLDC needed to fund the projects as part of their budget setting for next year.
Quickline had sent a proposed option but this had raised more questions that had not been answered.
The Clerk would contact some of the other smaller villages to see how they were progressing to try and put more weight on the plight. Perhaps more political pressure could be made to sort the smaller areas out, rather than investing further in areas that already have super fast broadband.
10. Planning
Application 143205 had been received between meeting and it had been decided not to meet to make a comment.
Application 143600, British Hardwood Tree Nursey, was considered, and the Council had no issues with this.
11. Highways
There was nothing new to raise but the Council took the opportunity to inform Cllr Bunney about the missing “Snitterby” sign at the junction of the A15 that was not being replaced by LCC, the Council were particularly concerned about emergency response vehicles driving past the junction.
12. Clerk and Councillor Updates
There were no outstanding matters other than trying to progress broadband for the village.
It was resolved that the following item was confidential.
13. Pit Land
The Council discussed the pit land and the Clerk was asked to undertake a piece of work for the next meeting.