May 2021 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Snitterby Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Thu 13th May 2021

Present: Cllr T Gundry (Chair), Cllr G Kettle-Gundry Cllr S Kapil & Cllr B Milton


Officer: Andy Hopkins (Clerk)


There were no members of the public present.


Public Session


1. To receive apologies for absence 


There were none


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


There were none


3. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21st April 2021


These were approved as a true and correct record


4. To Elect the Chairman of the Parish Council


It was resolved, as proposed by Cllr Milton and seconded by Cllr Kapil, that Cllr T Gundry be Chairman of the Parish Council.


5. To Elect the Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council


Cllr Kapil was voted to remain as Vice Charman.


6. To Appoint the Council representative to outside bodies


Cllr Kapil was voted to continue as the Council representative on the Broadband meetings and Richard Clare would be asked to continue in his role on the Village Hall Committee.


7. Finance


It was resolved to approve the following year end finance reports:


Payments Report 2020/21

Bank Reconciliation 2020/21

Variance Report 2020/21 

Internal Auditors Report 2020/21


It was resolved to approve the following Annual Governance and Accountability Statement:


Certificate of Exemption 2020/21

Annual Governance Statement 2020/21

Accounting Statement 2020/21


These were signed by the Chairman and Clerk.


The Following were resolved for payment:


Clerk Apr – May                                                                             £188.16

HMRC                                                                                              £47.04

Zurich Insurance Renewal                                                           £295.17

Auditor                                                                                             £30.00

Total                                                                                                 £560.37


Income had been received for:


WLDC Precept                                                                               £3000

Pit Rent                                                                                            £90

Draper Memorials                                                                         £85

Total                                                                                                 £3175


Movement of £35 from the current account to the POS account for £35 for the green bin.


It was pointed out that a headstone had been removed from the cemetery and the clerk would look into this.


Online banking was also considered and the Clerk would look into this.


8. Councillor Vacancy and Register of Interests


The Notice for Vacancy from WLDC has been posted.


The need to consider an advertising campaign for the vacancies would be discussed at the next meeting.


Cllrs had updated their Registers of Interests.


9. Cemetery Fees


The Parish Cemetery fees had not been updated for some time. The following was agreed


Full plot                                 250

Half plot                                125

Cremation plot                    125

Headstone                           100

Vase                                      65

Inscription                            25 [on existing headstone]

Cremated remains             100 [in existing burial plot]



10. Review Clerks Salary


The Clerks salary was reviewed using the NJC pay-scales as advised from LALC.


It was agreed that the rate be scale point 10, £11.08 from June onwards.


11. To receive reports and feedback from the County and District Council


Neither were present.


12. Police Matters


There had been more graffiti in the Village and PC Toyne had been to see Cllr Kapil. The police were taking these incidents seriously and there had been an increase in patrols. People needed to remain vigilant. A wildlife camera was considered to find the culprit but it was decided that this was not appropriate at the bus stop due to the school children that catch the bus there.


13. Broadband Update


A LCC councillor now seems to be taking an interest in broadband provision.


A quote from Openreach for the whole Village at £150+k had been received. This cannot be reduced to the 40 odd addresses that would be covered by the Gigabit vouchers due to the number of distribution points required.


Stephen Brookes has indicated there is no further financial support.


Cllr Kapil and the Clerk had meet with Quickline and had a positive meeting. Quickline were keen to get moving in the area, with new technology. It used superfast, through the air technology, with an antenna in the village to improve line of site. With a new CEO in place and the promise of an advertising campaign and competitive prices, things seem to be moving in the right direction.


The Council supported moving with the Quickline proposal.


14. Training LALC


The Clerk had forwarded the Training Plan and Cllr Kapil was interested in the Planning Session and would email to sort out.


15. Grant Request


A request for £50 from St Nicholas Church Wardens had been received for for weed-spraying.


It was resolved to approve the grant.


The Clerk was asked to advertise the grants scheme in the Triangle magazine and facebook.


16. Planning


There were new applications


Planning Application No: 142429, 5 Dovecote Close, Snitterby had been approved.


17. Highways 


The potholes on School Lane that had been reported had now been marked up for work to be done.


18. Clerk and Councillors to report back on previous action points


The rude sign about dog fouling had been removed


The overflowing litter bin on High Street had been emptied.


19. Timetable of Meetings 2021/22


It was resolved that the following timetable be adopted:


Thursday 15th July 2021


Thursday 9th September 


Thursday 11th November


Thursday 20th Jan 2022


Thursday 10th March


Thursday 12th May


20. To discuss items raised after the agenda is published (if any) or any other 

updates considered relevant, items for next meeting


Cllr Kapil was keen to have a fundraising event with the PCC to help raise money for the Church spire. It was agreed that Cllr Kapil would represent the Council on a group/committee that is set up.


Cllr Kapil also thought it might be a good idea to have a CCTV sign put in the bus shelter as a prevention measure.