July 2021 Minutes

Snitterby Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Thu 15th July 2021



Present: Cllr T Gundry (Chair), Cllr S Kapil & Cllr B Milton

Cllr S Bunney and Cllr J Summers


Officer: Andy Hopkins (Clerk)


There were no members of the public present.


Public Session


1. To receive apologies for absence 


Cllr G Kettle-Gundry


2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


There were none


3. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 13th May 2021


These were approved as a true and correct record following a couple of amendments


4. Councillor Vacancies


It was agreed to re-advertise the 3 vacancies in the Triangle Magazine and Facebook to see if there was any interest.


5. Feedback from County and District Council


Cllr Bunney updated the Council with the following items:


  • Highways would be undertaking better pot holes repairs in the future, not just filling them, there was a further £10m for potholes but this would mainly be on priority routes
  • WLDC had been issuing flooding grants, this had now been relaunched on the LCC website
  • The need to book at the HRC would be removed from September (with the exception of vans, trailers and commercial)
  • A fly-tipping policy was being looked at
  • Consultation on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan was underway, there was little change proposed but the number of new properties was likely to increase from 26,000 to 35,000
  • A bus consultation was underway, including Call Connect


Cllr Summers updated the Council with the following items:


  • Government grants were available for homeowners to improve insulation, get double glazing etc.
  • 80% of WLDC residents had 2 Covid vaccines
  • There was an £80000 profit from the property portfolio that had kep the Council Tax increase down
  • More people had taken up the Green Waste Collection service
  • A new depot was opening at Caenby Corner to replace market Rasen and Gainsborough depots



6. Finance


The Following were resolved for payment:


Clerk Jun – Jul  

3 hours @ 11.08 for 9 weeks less tax                                       £239.33

HMRC                                                                                              £59.83

Paul Wilson Open Space Mowing INV20                                  £60.00 (POS Acct)

Paul Wilson Cemetery Mowing INV19                                      £150.00

Green Grass Mowing April INV2583                                          136.80


Total                                                                                                £645.96



The Bank Reconciliation up to end June 2021 was approved


Online banking was considered unnecessary due to the charge and the small number of transactions that the Council makes.


7. Policy Reviews


The Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations had been updated using the latest templates from the National Association of Local Councils. It was agreed that these be adopted.


8. Police Matters


There had been nothing reported to the Council and nothing received from the Police.



9. Broadband Update


Despite promises of an offer from Quickline, nothing had been received. Openreach had been requested to try and reduce their quote but nothing had been received.


Cllr Bunney and Cllr Summers would take up on behalf of the Council, and try to get some movement as this had been going on for a number of years now.


10. Planning


Application 143124 had been received between meeting and it had been decided not to meet to make a comment.


Application 142985, 2 Norton Road (agricultural land to garden) was considered, and the Council had no issues with this.


11. Highways


Cllr Gundry pointed out that LCC had been to sort the pot-holes out but that they only seem to do the ones that are marked, leaving other to be sorted at a later date.


The position of the 30mph limit on the approach to the Village from Atterby was considered. It was though it was too close to the junction of Moor/Cliff Road and was dangerous for the children using the bus stop for school. The Council would like the limit moved further away from the junction. Cllr Bunney agreed to pick this up on behalf of the Council.


12. Clerk and Councillor Updates


Council grants had been advertised resulting in a request from the Triangle Magazine, it was agreed to give £100 grant.


A Fundraising Event for the Church Spire was not likely to happen due to volunteer capacity.


The Clerk was in the process of selling 3 plots in the cemetery.


The Council considered a new bin by the bench outside the Church in an attempt to help reduce dog fouling, Cllr Summers agreed to make arrangements for WLDC to contact the Clerk to discuss.