November 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held via Zoom on Thursday 12th November 2020.

Present: Cllr Tom Gundry (Chair), Cllr G Kettle-Gundry, Cllr Sunil Kapil & Cllr Brian Milton

Officer: Andy Hopkins (Clerk)

There were no members of the public present.

Public Session

1. To receive apologies for absence

A dispensation was granted to Cllr Thornton for absence, this will be reviewed again at the next meeting.

2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Sunil declared an interest in the Planning item

3. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 10th September 2020

These were approved as a true and correct record.

4. Police Matters

There was nothing that was particularly relevant to Snitterby in the police report.

A suspicious white van had been around the village on Halloween, but nothing directly could be associated with it.

5. To receive reports and feedback from the County and District Councillors

Nothing had been received and there was no news on a replacement for the late Cllr Strange.

6. Clerk and Councillors to report back on previous action points

An advert had been placed in the Triangle magazine for grants.

There had been no applications for the vacant Councillor positions, the Clerk had placed an advert in the notice board.

The invoice for grass cutting had been sent to LCC.

The cheque had been paid in to transfer money into Public Open Space account.

It was noted that the playground could remain open during this lockdown.

Cllr Kapil had attended a Zoom meeting about Broadband with a WLDC group. Quickline had recently been awarded “contract 3” to role out super-fast broad-band, and were looking for expressions of interest. What this meant for Snitterby was still not clear.

Cllr Kapil had spoken to a Quickline representative who had indicated that options might be available sooner for residents as their technology was being upgraded. This would still require line of sight to a transmitter, but a relay could be set up in the Village from a high point for all to use. Funding for this would have to be explored if needed. A public meeting will be set up for the village in the coming months with Quickline and be arranged through the PC. Cllr Kapil and the Clerk would make any arrangements.

7. Finance

The following payments were approved for payment:

Clerk £188.16
HMRC PAYE £47.00
Green Grass Contracting INV 2534 3/10/20 £66.08
Green Grass Contracting INV 2550 5/11/20 £66.08

Mr Hunt Weedkiller Churchyard Path - Cllr Milton would inform Mr Hunt that this was not required from now on. £50.00

A discussion took place on the draft budget prepared by the Clerk and the precept required for 2021/2022.

The amount for elections and contingencies were removed, reserves would be used if required.

The grant amount was reduced to £200.

It was resolved that the precept would remain at £3000.

8. To agree on any applications for grants received

Applications had been received for the Church clock and Triangle magazine.

Cllrs resolved to give a grant of:

£110 to the Triangle Magazine
£90 for the maintenance of the Church clock.

9. Planning

There were 3 new applications:


PROPOSAL: Planning application for 2no. single storey rear extensions including rear decking area.
LOCATION: 4 Hillside Snitterby Gainsborough DN21 4TR

There was no objection to this application.

Cllr Kapil withdrew from the meeting for discussion of this item.


PROPOSAL: Planning application to erect 3no. single storey dwellings and 1no. twostorey dwelling including detached garage.
LOCATION: Land north of Cliff Road Snitterby Gainsborough

There was no objection to this application.


PROPOSAL: Planning application for a replacement dwelling
LOCATION: Top Cottage Ermine Street Blyborough Gainsborough DN21 4UB

There was no objection to this application.

10. Highways

Despite a lot of reports of the signs on the A15 via the LCC portal, the “Snitterby” sign directly opposite the junction, had not been replaced. The Clerk will notify Highways.

11. To discuss matters for the Clerk to progress

The current SPC website was due to end on 31st December and the Clerk was arranging the new one to be set up.

The Clerk will undertake a review of policies and report back at a later meeting.

The Clerk will also look into the PROW application and the adoption of Dovecote Close with LCC.

It was confirmed that Cllrs Kapil and Milton would sign cheques.

It was also agreed to look at setting up a facebook page for the Council as another way of engaging with residents.

12. To discuss items raised after the agenda is published

There were none.

13. To agree the proposed timetable of meeting for 2021

The following dates were agreed for the coming year:

  • 14th January
  • 11th March
  • 13th May
  • 15th July
  • 09th September
  • 11th November

All at 19:30

Private Session

14. To confirm the Clerk Terms and Conditions

The Chairman confirmed the terms of new clerk to the Council.