September 2020 DRAFT Minutes

Ref 20200910


Snitterby Parish Council

Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held at Snitterby Village Hall on Thursday 10 September 2020


Natasha Vick (Clerk), Andy Hopkins, Cllr Tom Gundry, Cllr G Kettle-Gundry & Cllr Sunil Kapil

There were no members of the public present.

The meeting commenced at 1934

1. To receive apologies for absence

No apologies received.

2. To confirm appointment of the new Clerk

Andy Hopkins appointed as the new Clerk, commencing on September 30.

3. To receive declarations of interest

No declarations received

4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on August 6

Minutes approved as a true record

5. Police Matters to receive report and report urgent matters

Two matters on the report: one case of arson on a fence near the paddock and reporting of one suspicious vehicle.

No urgent matters to report.

6. To receive reports, questions and answers from the County & District Councillor

Nothing to report

7. Clerk and Councillors to report back on previous action points

a. To request an update from Stephen Brookes regarding Broadband.

Email response on 10 August.

We have had some delays in signing the contract, mainly due to BDUK holding things up with the final documentation. I am hoping to get the green light this week which will see the contract signed next week. At that point, I can give you the fine detail on what might be planned for your area. On that basis, let's see what it brings before we decide whether to go with the voucher scheme”

Council noted that a letter had been received from a resident and it had been acknowledged as received but there was no formal update.

b. To invite two candidates to interview on 20/08 for Clerk vacancy actioned

c. To send letter to resident regarding noise from BHT requesting further details completed 17/08 . It was noted at the meeting that there has been a lot of activity at the site and the Council will keep an eye out for any further planning or development works.

d. To contact PCSO regarding car parking on the High Street. Email response

Police do not deal with parking this jurisdiction was passed to the Council some years ago. We do deal with obstructions but parking on the footpath is not an obstruction unless it’s ‘totally’ blocking a driveway or fully blocking the footpath. I do keep an I out when I pass through Snitterby and so far not seen anything causing an obstruction.

You could contact the Council and see if they have any ideas as to what rules could be put in place re parking on the grass verge area such as bollards etc, that said though it will only push the cars somewhere else in the village. Other than that if anyone thinks there is an obstruction they can call 101 ‘at the time’ and we will try to get an office out to assess the situation as it occurs.

Council discussed any alternative options but agreed again that the parking is required and that it is legal as long as there is limited obstruction.

e. To advertise Councillor vacancy emailed advert to Triangle on 17/08

f. To submit accounts completed 17/08

8. Finance

a. To approve payments

i. Clerk wages £254.80

ii. Green Grass Contracting £ 132.16

b. Bank balances

i. Current £4, 187.93

ii. Openspace £5,733.00

iii. Savings Account £1,113.9 8

c. PO received from LCC regarding grass cutting contribution

d. Duplicate cheque to be written for the VAT transfer to the openspace

9. Planning

a. To discuss planning applications none received

b. To receive planning decisions none received

10. Highways

Noted that the Snitterby sign from the A15 is still missing . Clerk to review previous correspondence and follow it up with Highways.

11. To agree allocation of grants

No notification printed in the Triangle for Grants, to be published for next edition with a deadline for October 31 st

12. To discuss items raised after the agenda was published

13. To confirm date of November meeting and agree agenda items

Meeting confirmed for November 12th. Item for agenda: Grant Applications, Broadband, Dovecote Close adoption, Budgets.

Meeting closed at 202 6