August 2020 DRAFT Minutes

Ref 20200806

06.08 .2020

Snitterby Parish Council

Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held at Snitterby Village Hall on Thursday 6 August 2020


Natasha Vick (Clerk), Cllr Tom Gundry, Cllr G Kettle-Gundry & Cllr Sunil Kapil

There were no member s of the public present.

The meeting commenced at 1942

1. To elect a Chairman of the Council

Tom Gundry elected as Chair of the Council

2. To receive the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office

Declarations received

3. To elect a Vice Chair

Sunil Kapil elected as vice chair

4. To receive apologies for absence

Brian Milton sent his apologies

5. To receive declarations of interest

No declarations received

6. To approve minutes of the meeting held on March 5 2020

Minutes approved as a true record.

Confirmed that Annual Parish meetings have been postponed to next year

7. Police Matters

a. Nothing to report

8. Finance

a. To approve payments

i. Clerk wages & expenses £563.38

ii. Green Grass Contracting £66.08

iii. Viv Hallam £30.00

iv. Zurich £291.89 (paid)

v. Green Grass £132.16 (paid)

vi. Paul Wilson £150.00 & £60.00 (paid)

b. Bank balances

i. Current £4,781.31

ii. Openspace £5,733.00

iii. Savings Account £1,113.96

c. To approve the accounts accounts approved and signed b y Chairman and RFO Clerk.

9. Planning

a. To discuss planning applications none received

b. To receive planning decisions none received

10. Highways

No highways matters to report

11. To discuss the Clerk Vacancy

All applications received and discussed between Councillors.

Agreed to invite two for interview.

12. To discuss correspondence received from residents

Correspondence from Triangle requesting funding. Agreed to write and mention they will be considered at th e November meeting.

Correspondence received complaining about noise being heard from British Hardwood Tree Nursery.

Councillors agreed to write to residents concerned and ask for further detail and if the noise has reoccurred.

Correspondence received from a resident regarding parking on the High Street and the congestion this causes. Discussion whether there is a solution to this issue as the majority of the cars are legally parked. The letter from the resident was anonymous but Councillors requested it be recorded in the minutes that residents park with care for pedestrians and that the Council will revert to the PCSO regarding cars parking on footpaths.

13. To confirm date of next meeting and agree items to be placed on the agenda

Meeting confirmed for September 10. Agenda items to be Broadband and Clerk Vacancy

Meeting closed at 2026


Action - to get in touch with Stephen Brookes for update on broadband emailed 07/08

Action - to invite two candidates for interview one Thursday from 20/08 onwards (Jan & Snitterby based) emailed 07/08

Action - to write to the Triangle regarding grant

Action - to write to resident regarding the noise at BHT

Action - to write to PCSO regarding cars parked on footpath

Action - to post minutes / Triangl e summary

Action - to submit accounts