March 2020 DRAFT Minutes

Ref 20200305


Snitterby Parish Council

Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held at Snitterby Village Hall on Thursday 5 March 2020


Natasha Vick ( Cllr B rian Milton, Cllr T om Gundry , Cllr Sunil Kapil & Cllr Helen Thornton.

There were no member s of the public present.

The meeting commenced at 1930

1. To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies received from Ben Thornton and

Georgina Kettle Gundry

Apologies received from PCSO Law, Cllr Summers and Cllr Strange.

2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

No declarations received

3. To approve the minutes of the meetings held on January 16 2020

Minutes approved as a true record.

4. Police Matters

Police report stated one incident of anti-social behaviour, one window broken at a property on School Lane. Also four reports of suspicious circumstances for which no further detail has been provided due to data protection.

No matters to report.

5. To receive reports, questions and answers from the County and District Councillor

No reports received.

6. Clerk and Councillors to report back on previous action points

Temporary speed limit signs have been received and are awaiting installation.

Dovecote Close adoption of Highway followed up with Developer, who is obtaining a quote on March 6. If the quote is reasonable then the work will be instructed. Marque Homes to ensure the Clerk is kept up to date with any further developments.

Tried to register for the Green Bin to be on the emptying schedule but can only register as a Resident. Councillor Milton to follow up with WLDC.

7. Finance

a. To approve payments

i. Payments ap proved as follows:

1. Clerk Wages & Expenses

2. LALC £79.54

3. Village Hall Hire £82.50

4. VAT Transfer to Openspace

b. Bank mandate form completed by Cllr H Thornton

c. Treasurers report

i. Current Account £3,086.15

ii. Reserve Account £1,113.39

iii. Openspace Account £5,888.00

8. Planning

a. To discuss planning applications

b. To receive planning decisions:

i. Holywell Grange appeal dismissed and claim for costs rejected.

ii. Approval for application at the Laurels, High Street, and work commenced.

9. Highways

Passing place signs on Cliff Road have been replaced.

Snitterby village signs looking damaged on Cliff Road approach.

Pot hole damage has been reported and acknowledged by LCC with no commitment on repair.

Follow up with Cllr Strange to try and apply pres sure for repair.

10. To discuss broadband

Initial responses received from residents following Christmas letter issue. Additional follow up has been carried out with more slips being received. Current value at £71,500 with more expected.

Confirmed to contact Stephen Brookes and update him on progress and see if he has any additional input.

11. To discuss Clerk vacancy

Notice given for Clerk vacancy. Clerk agreed to remain in place as required until a replacement is in position. Agreed to advertise the vacancy in the Triangle with a closing date of 31 May 2020. Also to contact LALC to request that they advertise.

Notice also given that Ben Thornton has resigned from the Parish Council with immediate effect. Vacancy to be included in the Triangle with a closing date of May 31 2020.

Councillors wish to record their formal thanks to Ben for his time and efforts on behalf of the village.

12. To confirm date of May meeting and agree items to be placed on the agenda

Annual meeting scheduled for May 14 2020 at 1930.

Agenda to include Broadband update and annual accounts.

Meeting closed at 2022