July 2023 Minutes
![PC logo](/snitterby/images/52B2920E_0457_4C40_9A0F_E21CD49EC038.jpeg)
Mandy Coote - Parish Clerk
4a March Street
Kirton in Lindsey
DN21 4PH
email: snitterbyparishcouncil@hotmail.co.uk
web: snitterby.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk
Snitterby Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Thu 20th July 2023 19:30 Present: Cllr T Gundry (Chairman), Cllr G Kettle-Gundry, Cllr R Lawrence
Officer: Mandy Coote (Clerk)
There were 2 members of the public present.
1. To receive apologies for absence
Cllr S Kapil
2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were none
3. Appointment of Clerk
Recommendation was duly ratified and Jayne Mandy Coote has been formally appointed as clerk
4. To approve the minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 18 May 2023
5. Co-option of Parish Councillor
Andrew Hopkins and Trevor Faulkner wished to be considered for Parish Councillor. Both were co-opted and declaration of acceptance of office signed.
6. To receive reports and feedback from the County and District Council
None, no attendance
7. Police Matters
• Violence and sexual offences 1
No other incidents were reported on the website for June or July
8. Finance
The Council received the following reports from the Clerk that were resolved as approved:
a) Payments Report June/July 2022/23
b) Bank Reconciliation June/July 2022/23
c) Letter from signatories to bank to change address
d) To consider new bank signatory
It was resolved to make the following payments and accept the bank reconciliation up to the end of July 2023:#
2023/24 July Snitterby Parish Council Payments
Andy Hopkins declared an interest
Letter re change of address for bank, in progress Consider new bank signatory:-
It was agreed Andrew Hopkins would be added as an additional signatory
9. Planning. Nothing to consider
10. Highways
Cllr Richard Davies from Lincolnshire Highways would like assistance to help improve highways and transport services. Also on the same request was information requested regarding local drains. Details have been forwarded to all councillors for their input.
It was agreed following an accident at crossroads that there is no sign stating it is a crossroads only give way signs which is a potential safety issue. To avoid further incidents a request for this to be addressed has been forwarded to
LCC reference for the report 465714, 21/07/2023.
Pot holes down Chapel Lane have been reported by a member of the public
11. Neighbourhood Watch
There used to an active Neighbourhood Watch group and it was agreed it would be a good idea to try and reinstate this. Details to be posted to the Facebook community page to gauge interest and invite to the next Parish Council meeting 21/09/2023 for further discussions.
It was agreed to post on the Facebook community page information regarding victims of crime and help that they could access if needed
12. Volunteer Litter Picking
It was agreed that we would like to acquire the litter picking kits from LCC for residents to be able to take part in reducing waste and protecting their village space. An email to be sent to register interest and for information regarding collection of bagged litter.
13. Clerk and Councillors updates
LALC training fees for the new clerk induction courses have been agreed at a discounted rate of £70.00 + vat to cover the period up to end of March 2024. Also agreed to cover mileage to and from the venue, LALC Office, Dunholme LN2 3QR.
The purchase of a laptop for the clerk was discussed, the clerk has provided one for use but this will remain the personal property of the clerk.
The Royal British Legion Institutions offer to purchase a Tommy Statue to commemorate Remembrance 2023 was discussed. It was felt more appropriate to acquire the large poppies to be displayed around the village.
D Day 2024 to mark 80 years was floated as an idea for a village celebration event, this will be discussed further.
Following the incident at the crossroads and the offer of a replacement new bench. It was discussed a different siting due to a safety issue, a suggestion of nearer the bus stop was proposed but nothing agreed, further discussion to take place. The purchaser has been contacted and will get in touch once it is ready to be placed, a lead time of 4 weeks was given.
Advert in the Triangle for Councillors to be removed temporarily pending a new advert and updated councillor numbers. Rebecca has agreed to draft the new advert.
The clerk contact details in the Triangle have been changed for the next issue.
Confidential Item:
14. Pit Land
Cllr Kapil emailed to provide an update.
Date of Next Meeting 21/09/23