March 2023 Minutes

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Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Village Hall on Thu 16th March 2023 19:30


Present: Cllr T Gundry (Chairman), Cllr G Kettle-Gundry, Cllr S Kapil,

 Cllr R Lawrence, Cllr B Milton

 Cllr Stephen Bunney, Cllr Jeff Summers


Officer:   Andy Hopkins (Clerk)


There were no members of the public present.


  1. To receive apologies for absence


There were no apologies.


  1. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


Cllr Kapil for Item 10.


  1. To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 19 January 2023


These were resolved as a true and correct record.


  1. To receive reports and feedback from the County and District Council


Cllr Bunney provided the council with the following update:


£7.4M had been agreed for footpaths and signs, this included moving the 30mph sign on Bishop Norton Road. Potholes were being actioned but only those greater than 40mm deep. Sandhays Road potholes had been prioritised as a project in the area.


The MP was pursuing increasing the funding for neighbourhood policing. Anti-Social Behaviour was an increasing issue for the Police.


A paper was being produced by officers on the A15 and the number of accidents that were occurring.


Some potholes had been filled on Chapel Lane and School Lane.


Cllr Summers provided the council with the following update:


He had received a complaint on the number of lorries using the A631 through Waddingham and the damage to the verges.


The major Scampton development was at risk due to the Government announcing this as a refuge/asylum centre. WLDC would be challenging this.


Solar Panel farms were being proposed in the area, but this was being challenged due to the loss of agricultural land.


Cllr Summers announced that he was retiring after 22 years service at WLDC, he thanked the Council for their support, and this was reciprocated by the Chairman on behalf of Snitterby Parish Council.



  1. Police Matters


There was nothing on the website to share with the Council, nor anything to report.


  1. Finance


It was resolved to make the following payments and accept the bank reconciliation up to the end of March 2023:





  1.  King Charles III Coronation


The Council discussed options available for purchasing a commemorative keep-sake for the children of the Village. It was resolved to purchase 50 coins from “RunningImp”.


It was resolved to support the Village Hall’s Coronation Event by donating £50.



8. Vehicle Speeding in Village


There was no further action on this. The Clerk had emailed contacts provided by the Road Safety Partnership, but none had replied.


It was thought that without securing some funding this was not possible at the current time.


9. Planning




PROPOSAL:      Planning application for first floor extension to provide additional accommodation, including conversion of attached outbuilding to provide holiday let accommodation and new external staircase - resubmission 143205     


LOCATION:        Royal Oak Inn High Street Snitterby Gainsborough DN21 4TP


APPLICATION TYPE:  Full Planning Application


APPLICATION CATEGORY:   Minor - all others


It was resolved that there was no objection to this.


10. Highways


                   Cllr Kapil explained the request to move the 30mph sign on Cliff Road. The Council did not mind this happening but the person requesting should get advice and permission from Highways on the most suitable location.


11. Cemetery


The Council discussed the cemetery and the issue of space running out. It was decided to have this as a future agenda item to review fees and determine the way forward.


12. Clerk Recruitment


A couple of candidates were discussed but it was decided that they would not be invited to interview. The Clerk would advertise again.


13. Clerk and Councillors updates


The A15 finger sign had been damaged and was now pointing the wrong way. The hedge had been cut on the junction.


There were several fly-tips in the passing places down Cliff Road that needed reporting.



Confidential Item:


14. Pit Land


The Council asked Cllr Kapil to progress and report back to the next meeting.



Date of Next Meeting 18/5/23