May 2023 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting

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Snitterby Parish Council


Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Village Hall on Thu 18th May 2023 19:30


Present: Cllr T Gundry (Chairman), Cllr G Kettle-Gundry, Cllr S Kapil,

 Cllr R Lawrence


 Cllr Stephen Bunney (LCC)


Officer:   Andy Hopkins (Clerk)


There was 1 member of the public present.




  1. To Elect the Chairman of the Parish Council


It was resolved that Cllr T Gundry be the Chairman for the coming year, as nominated by Cllr S Kapil and seconded by Cllr G Kettle-Gundry, and all were in favour.


Cllr Gundry then signed the Acceptance of Office Form and Chaired the meeting.


  1. To Elect the Vice-Chairman of the Parish Council


It was resolved that Cllr S Kapil be the Vice-Chairman for the coming year, as nominated by Cllr T Gundry and seconded by Cllr G Kettle-Gundry, and all were in favour.



  1. To receive apologies for absence


There were no apologies.


  1. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


There were none.


  1. To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16 March 2023


These were resolved as a true and correct record.


  1. To receive reports and feedback from the County and District Council


The new WLDC Councillor, Adam Duguid, had been invited but there had been no response from him.


Cllr Bunney provided the Council with the following update:


There was an administration change at WLDC as the was No Overall Control following the recent elections.


The policing budget was expected to be in a deficit, measures were being investigated to prevent more cuts on Neighbourhood Policing. However, overall, 20 new PCSOs would be employed.


The approved Scampton Asylum Centre was expected to house 2000 men over the age of 18. The Government had promised first line health and security on site. Protests had been planned and WLDC is continuing with its legal action.


One Solar Panel farm had been granted permission in the area, the Hemswell area was being considered for another.


The A15 accident survey had been completed and a report was expected.


Cllr Davey had recognised that flooding from heavy downpours was increasing, and this was being looked at now, to try and sort the problems now, not later.




  1. Police Matters


There was one incident reported on Chapel Lane in February and nothing reported in February.


  1. Finance


The Council received the following reports from the Clerk that were resolved as approved:


  1. Payments Report 2022/23
  2. Bank Reconciliation 2022/23
  3. Variance Report 2022/23
  4. Internal Auditors Report 2022/23


The Council received the following year-end governance reports from the Clerk that were resolved as approved and signed off by the Chairman:



  1. Certificate of Exemption 2022/23
  2. Annual Governance Statement 2022/23
  3. Accounting Statement 2022/23


The insurance renewal quotation from Zurich of £321.77 was approved for payment.


It was resolved to make the following payments and accept the bank reconciliation up to the end of May 2023:



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  1.  Clerk Vacancy


The Clerk updated the Council on the vacancy and that an applicant was due to be interviewed for the position.


It was agreed that Cllr T Gundry, Cllr S Kapil and the Clerk would be delegated the responsibility for the process.




10. Planning




PROPOSAL:      Planning application to remove modern agricultural sheds and erect 1no. detached, two-storey dwelling.       


LOCATION:        Land at Church Farm Chapel Lane Snitterby Gainsborough DN21 4TY


APPLICATION TYPE:  Full Planning Application




It was resolved that there was no comment on this application.


It was resolved that in future any planning applications would be put on the Community Facebook page to make sure everyone was aware.



11. Highways


                   A number of potholes in the Village had been filled.


There was nothing else to report.



12. Clerk and Councillors updates


The Village Hall had provided a very good event for the Coronation of King Charles III, and the Village Hall Committee was thanked.


It was agreed to look into revamping the advert for filling the vacant Councillor posts.


Ownership of the Telephone Box was resolved as the Parish Councils. How to use this in the future, maintenance, and how to access it needs to be explored.


There are now only 2 signatories on the bank mandate, this needs to be addressed.



Confidential Item:


14. Pit Land


Cllr Kapil to chase up.



Date of Next Meeting 20/7/23