March 2020 Agenda
Snitterbv Parish Council
Dear Councilor
You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Snitterby Parish Council to be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 5 March.
Public participation will commence at 1930 far a maximum of 15 minutes.
Natasha Vick
Clerk to the Council
1. To receive apologies far absence.
2. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
3. To approve the minutes of the meetings held on January 16 2020
4. Police Matters
a. To receive the police report
b. To report urgent matters to the police
5. To receive reports, questions and answers from the County Councilor and District Councilor.
6. Clerk and Councilors to report back on previous action points.
7. Finance
a. To approve payments
i. Clerk Salary
ii. Clerk expenses iii. LALC invoice
iv. Village Hall hire
v. VAT transfer between accounts
b. Bank Mandate farm
c. Treasurers report
i. Grass cutting quote
8. Planning
a. To consider planning applications (if any)
b. To receive WLDC planning decisions:
i. Holywell Grange appeal turned down
ii. Approval application at the Laurels, High Street
9. Highways
a. To report highway matters (if any)
10. To discuss Broadband
11. To discuss the clerk vacancy
12. To confirm date of May meeting as the 14/05/20 and agree items to be placed on the agenda.